Friday 20 January 2012

unit 3: Crit Pres unfinished.

Unit 3 Final Crit in the Making

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kadeem - it feels like I haven't seen you for ages! I hope you're feeling much better now and I've got high hopes for your Unit 3 submission - so make sure everything is of the quality of which I know you're capable!


    This is the first time you have been asked to complete the ISS (unlike those veterans of surveys in Year 2 and Year 3), but it's really important that you take a moment or so to reflect on your experiences so far - because students are the voice 'most-listened to' in terms of the 'powers-that-be'. So - complete the survey for me, and then leave a 'done it' confirmation on the blog post below. Many thanks in advance :)
